Sciencewerke Events
A Series of Talks by Sciencewerke and Bionano – 18 & 19 April 2024
You may choose ONE of the dates & venue below:
Topic: Revolutionizing Cytogenomics Through Optical Genome Mapping in Constitutional Disorders
Synopsis: Get an inside look at how Optical Genome Mapping can improve diagnosis in constitutional disorders. Dr Wu Yingying will share actual clinical cases of OGM in prenatal diagnosis, postnatal genetic disorders, and reproductive health. Key points to consider for evaluation study design, patient recruitment, sample processing, data analysis including ways to address potential/current challenges facing OGM as a clinical/LDT assay will also be addressed.
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Topic: Revolutionizing Cytogenomics Through Optical Genome Mapping in Clinical Research Applications
Synopsis: Learn more about how Optical Genome Mapping can improve diagnosis in constitutional disorders and enhance characterization of hematologic malignancies in clinical settings. Topics covered include multisite evaluation with 100% concordance between OGM and the current gold standard, the combination of karyotyping, fluorescent in-situ hybridization (FISH) and chromosomal microarray (CMA).
Dr Wu Yingying will also share the advantages of OGM through real clinical cases, consisting of reduced hands-on time compared to conventional methods, faster turn-around time, and lower cost compared to the combination of standard methods.
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Topic: Clinical Implementation of Optical Genome Mapping in Constitutional Disorders and Hematologic Malignancies
Synopsis: In this talk, Dr Wu Yingying will walk you through Optical Genome Mapping’s (OGM) capability to resolve genomic structural variants (SVs) and key applications in constitutional disorders, rare diseases, and haematologic malignancies cases.
You will learn about actual clinical cases based on multiple studies of global users. Dr Wu will also demonstrate how OGM can be utilised to (i) decipher complex chromosomal rearrangements, (ii) interpret constitutional copy number gains in numerous disease states, (iii) identify clinically actionable fusions, and (iv) refine prognostic stratification in haematologic malignancies.
Email us at [email protected] if you are interested to join this session.
Wu Yingying, PhD
Sr. Manager, Business Dev and Clinical Affairs, Bionano Genomics
Dr. Yingying Wu is responsible for scientific and clinical communications of Bionano technology, expanding applications, driving clinical evaluation studies, and integrating Bionano technology in clinical implementation. She has 15 years’ experience in molecular biology and 9 years’ industrial experience in the diagnosis field with deep knowledge of prenatal diagnosis and reproductive health. Yingying Wu received the B.A.Sc. degree in life science and technology from the China Pharmaceutical University, in 2009, and the Ph.D. degrees in neuroscience from the Institute of Neuroscience, Shanghai Institutes for Biological Science, Chinese Academy of Science, in 2015. Prior to joining Bionano Genomics, she was a training and support consultant in Roche Diagnostics.