Sciencewerke News
Are you culturing organoids in Matrigel to harvest later?
VITROGEL® is a ready-to-use hydrogel that mimics the natural extracellular matrix (ECM) environment and gives an outstanding balance of biological functions to support cell growth and differentiation with consistent results.
With over 250 cell types tested, their cutting-edge hydrogels enable high-throughput screening/processing and scale-up of the 3D cell platform for multiple applications, from organoids, 3D spheroids, stem cells, invasion assay, angiogenesis assay to xenografts and more.
Click here to know more about VitroGel®
VitroGel Hydrogel Matrix vs. Matrigel on bone marrow cells 3D culture
The multiple functional ligands in VitroGel Hydrogel Matrix promote a strong cell-matrix interaction and accelerate the cell proliferation and cell-cell communication during the 3D cell culture.
Click here to learn more about VitroGel Hydrogel Matrix
VitroGel ORGANOID vs. Matrigel on organoid culture
VitroGel ORANOID supports a wide range of organoids from patient-derived samples, stem cells, tissues, co-culture, and PDX resources.
Click here to learn more about VitroGEl ORGANOID
Download the VitroGel® eBook for a comprehensive lineup of xeno-free functional hydrogels for applications including Organoid, Stem Cells, MSCs, 3D Cancer Co-cultures, Invasion Assay and In Vivo Applications.