Our Promotions
Buy 2 get 1 free – ChIP-seq grade antibodies
DNA Methylation
Buy a RRBS kit and get a free magnetic rack 0.2ml
Choose the best solution for bisulfite conversion followed by sequencing to get DNA methylation status of your samples. Our kits contains high quality reagents to get the highest performance with an optimized user friendly protocol.
Buy Tag kit for ChIPmentation, Chipmentation or µChipmentation kit for histones 24 rxn and get one set of 24 indexes
ChIPmentation technology, based on tagmentation, enables the integration of library preparation during ChIP itself using transposase and sequencing-compatible adaptors. Unlike standard library preparation techniques that require multi-step ligation, ChIPmentation incorporates an easier and shorter protocol.
Stop the madness of running just one protein at a time and cleaning up afterwards.
Buy a D-Plex kit and get a free magnetic rack 0.2ml
D-Plex ultrasensitive, ligation-free method utilizes the capture and amplification by tailing and switching for library preparation from ultra-low input amounts, down to 10 pg for small RNAs and 100 pg for total RNAs.
Buy a new Bioruptor and get a free Easy Shear Kit
Our Bioruptor ultrasonication system has been cited in over 4,000 publications. Excellent reproducibility from temperature control and up to 16 samples at one time. Perfect for chromatin shearing and DNA shearing and many more applications.