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ibidi Paper Award 2024 Winners!

Congratulations to the Winners!

We’re thrilled to reveal the top three 2024 awardees! Each winner, who was chosen by an external jury, will receive a well-deserved prize of 500 €!

Beatrice Gabbin, M.Sc.

Leiden University Medical Center, Netherlands

Chiara Lago, PhD

University of Trento, Italy

Yufeng Shou, PhD

National University of Singapore

Yufeng Shou, PhD. from National University of Singapore is among this year’s winners. His paper was on the topic of advanced materials, titled “Mechano-Activated Cell Therapy for Accelerated Diabetic Wound Healing”.

Why Yufeng’s Publication Convinced the Jury:

A wireless magneto-induced dynamic mechanical stimulation (MDMS) system was developed to accelerate diabetic wound healing, achieving significantly improved wound closure, fibroblast proliferation, collagen deposition, and angiogenesis through the Ras/MEK/ERK pathway. Additionally, the system enables on-demand insulin release and identifies a mechanosensitive fibroblast subpopulation, offering a comprehensive solution for diabetic and other challenging wound types.

Publication: Shou, Y., et al., Mechano-Activated Cell Therapy for Accelerated Diabetic Wound Healing. Advanced Materials, 2023. 35 (47): p. 2304638.

3D modeling of confocal images showing the uniform 3D distribution of cells (blue) and TMPs (red) within the hydrogel construct, indicating a uniform distribution of cell and magnetic particles in the hydrogel construct.

Find out more about this year’s awardees and their research here.

Paper Award Winners.

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