Sciencewerke Events
Accurate data and conclusive test results are critical to making the right decisions, especially when performing liquid biopsy assays for detecting or monitoring cancer.
To learn more about the importance of precision medicine and precision oncology, join Dr. M. Abdalla and Dr. Alex Rolland on 8 February, Wed at 11.30pm SGT in this MasterClass and dive deep into plasma composition and its utility for cancer diagnosis.
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Key Learning Objectives :
Abstract :
The identification of any changes through molecular profiling of tumor nucleic acids is known as precision medicine. In oncology, precision medicine is a combination between the identification of cancer through the use of a patients own genes/proteins, and administering a suitable treatment with an appropriate dose. Traditionally, the molecular profiling of tumors relied on acquiring tissue biopsies. However, acquiring tissue biopsies is considered a highly invasive technique and limits the possibility for mass population screening for the early detection of cancer. Liquid biopsy has received a great deal of attention as a promising, non-invasive alternative to tissue biopsy for the profiling of circulating-tumor DNA (ct-DNA), circulating-tumor RNA (ct-RNA), and circulating tumor cells (CTCs). With recent advancements in both next-generation sequencing (NGS) and digital PCR, molecular profiling of cell-free circulating nucleic acids purified from liquid biopsy has significantly improved the outcome of early detection, as well as monitoring the development and progression of cancer.
In this MasterClass, we will present the extensive work that has been done by Cancer Treatment Options and Management Inc. (CTOAM). Using Norgen’s plasma/serum workflow, CTOAM has utilized plasma as a liquid biopsy sample type for identifying cancer in undiagnosed patients, monitoring the efficiency of cancer treatment, and identifying patients in remission or with early recurrence. For this purpose, CTOAM has created 100’s of custom TaqMan probes that are used to monitor cancer patients. Additionally, CTOAM has developed unique RNA seq-based expression protocols for 20,000 genes from tumour associated exosomes from cancer patients. Join us in this MasterClass on Wednesday, February 8th @ 10:30 AM ET to learn more about the importance of Enhancing Precision Medicine Using Liquid Biopsy.
Speakers :
Dr. M.Abdalla, M.Sc, Ph.D – Senior Research Scientist, Director of Sales & Marketing
Alex Rolland, M.Sc – Director of Scientific Research and Co-Founder of Cancer Treatment Options and Management