SiR-DNA kit

SiR-DNA (SiR-Hoechst*) is a far-red, fluorogenic, cell permeable and highly specific live cell DNA probe for fluorescence imaging of the nucleus and DNA.
Kit contains 50 nmol SiR-DNA and 1 umol verapamil.

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  • Introduction

    SiR-DNA (SiR-Hoechst*) is a live cell nuclear stain based on the DNA minor groove binder bisbenzimide, it allows the labelling of DNA in live cells with high specificity and low background. SiR-DNA is fluorogenic, cell permeable and highly specific for DNA.
    Sir-DNA stains the nuclei of live cells without the need for genetic manipulation or overexpression. Its emission in the far red minimizes phototoxicity and sample autofluorescence. SiR-DNA is compatible with GFP and/or m-cherry fluorescent proteins. SiR-DNA is a non cytotoxic alternative to DRAQ5.

    It can be imaged with standard Cy5 filtersets. SiR-DNA can be used for widefield, confocal, SIM or STED imaging in living cells and tissue. Probe quantity allows 50 – 200 staining experiments.**

    *SiR-DNA is identical to SiR-Hoechst, the name used for this probe in the above Nature Communications article.

    **Based on the following conditions: 0.5 – 1 ml staining solution / staining experiments with 0.5 – 1 uM probe concentration. The number of staining experiments can be further increased by reducing volume or probe concentration.


    Optical Properties

    λabs 652 nm
    εmax 1.0·105 mol-1·cm-1
    λfl 674 nm

    Downloads :

    SiR-DNA kit datasheet
    Verapamil usage guidelines
    Ex/Em spectra (excel format)
