3D Cell Explorer-fluo

Combine high-quality tomographic data with fluorescent markers.

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  • Introduction

    Why the 3D Cell Explorer-ƒluo?

    Combine high-quality RI tomographic data and fluorescence markers
    You want to extend your understanding of cell structures and cell mechanisms? Thanks to our 3D tomographic technology you can now have a powerful platform that combines RI information with fluorescence markers.

    Go beyond fluorescence limitation
    You are frustrated by the limitations of fluorescence markers? You would like to go further? Combine them with Nanolive’s digital staining and push the limits forward.

    Achieve specific cell analysis while preserving cell life
    Forget about fixation! With the 3D Cell Explorer-fluo you can now observe your cells as they are: alive, 3D and in motion!

    Perform infinite live cell imaging
    Limit cell damages caused by fluorescence markers, bleaching, and phototoxicity. The 3D Cell Explorer-fluo allows you to transform your chemical markers into physical ones which can be monitored for a limitless amount of time.


    Combine high-quality tomographic data with fluorescent markers

    Explore up to 10 markers in parallel

    Limit cell damages caused by fluorescent markers, bleaching and phototoxicity

    Technical Features 3D Cell Explorer-fluo
    Illumination SourceHolotomography: Class 1 laser low power (λ=520 nm, sample exposure 0.2 mW/mm²)
    Fluorescence: High speed switchable <100 µs, Lifetime >20'000 hours each channel
    ResolutionHolotomography: x,y: 200 nm; z: 400 nm (3D image)
    Fluorescence: rx,y: ~ 400 nm (2D image)
    Field-of-viewHolotomography: 90 x 90 × 30 μm
    Fluorescence: 90 × 90 μm
    Microscope ObjectiveDry objective / 60x magnification / NA 0.82)
    ChannelsHolotomography: Up to 7 simultaneous
    Fluorescence: DAPI + FitC + TritC | FitC + TritC + Cy5 | DAPI + FitC + TritC / Cy5
    Imaging Holotomography: 3D
    Fluorescence: 2D
    4D time lapse: (RI + fluo)
    Time resolution Holotomography: 0.5 fps 3D RI frame
    Fluorescence: 3 fps each channel
    Camera USB 3.0 CMOS Sony IMX174 sensor / Quantum Efficiency (typical) 70 % (at 545 nm)/ Dark Noise (typical) 6,6 e¯ / Dynamic Range (typical) 73,7 dB
    (width x depth x height in mm)
    3D Cell Explorer-fluo: 380 x 170 x 445
    Fluorescence module: 77 x 186 × 162
    Weight 12 kg