About Sciencewerke

Empowering Scientists, Researchers & Clinicians

It started in 2010 as an idea for a better way, and like all other powerful ideas, it evolved into a passion. At Sciencewerke, we view every challenge as an opportunity. Our commitment to help customers achieve their scientific & research goals, and the trust that we have built with them over the years, have enabled us to be a market-leading provider of Genomics, Proteomics, Cellomics, Bio-imaging, and Molecular Diagnostics solutions in Indonesia.

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    What We Do

    Working closely with a global network of authorised manufacturers and partners, we are a forward-thinking and innovative ‘one-stop’ solution provider of reputable life science, biomedical, clinical equipment as well as reagents and consumables for the academic, institutions and private sectors.

    Cellomic Solutions

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    Consumables and Labware

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    Genomic Solutions

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    Food & Veterinary Solutions

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    Pre-clinical Imaging

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    Proteomic Solutions

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    Making Science Work For You

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