FastScreen™ Pig

The FastScreen™ kit is an on-site DNA detection kit for the rapid and reliable traces detection of pig DNA in meat-based food products. This kit can be used on production sites and can detect the slightest trace of pig DNA in raw meat or processed products.

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  • Introduction

    FastScreen™ is an on-site DNA detection kit for the rapid and reliable traces detection of pig, horse or bovine DNA in meat-based food products.

    The FastScreen™ is based on isothermal amplification method that enables DNA detection without the need for expensive equipment or specific technical expertise.



    The Progenus FastScreen™ kit is based on isothermal amplification (LAMP PCR) method that enable DNA detection without the need of expensive equipment or specific technical expertise. The positive samples (containing pig) are green, instead of negative samples (no pig) appear orange under normal light (recomended to put the samples on a black background). The samples can also be visualized under UV light were the positive samples emit fluorescence and the negative does not.

    Reference Description Delivered quantity
    FastScreen™ PIG Pig DNA detection kit 8 tests
    FastScreen™ HORSE Horse DNA detection kit 8 tests
    FastScreen™ BEEF Beef DNA detection kit 8 tests
    FastScreen™ EXTR Food extraction kit 4 tests
    FastScreen™ VAL Full equipment set (includes balance, centrifuge, dry bath & pipette) 1 set

    Features & Benefits
    (1) Result in less than one hour
    (2) More sensitive than PCR (<0.0001%)
    (3) No technical expertise required
    (4) Minimal equipment, all contained in a single case
    (5) Works for both raw products and processed food
    (6) Detect all pig breeds (Family Suidae)
    (7) No pork in the kit

    Kit Components
    - Green Tube = Revelator: contains a color component which change color in presence of DNA amplification
    - Blue Tube = EPC (External Positive Control): contains synthetic DNA which is recognized by the pig primers
    - Strip tubes: contain all the reagents needed for pig DNA amplication

    Product Size
    Each kit contains 8 reactions

    Product Size
    All the components are stored at -20° until the expiry date indicated on the kit.

    Validation Report
