Multiwell plates with black walls and a flat and clear coverslip bottom (#1.5 ibidi Polymer Coverslip or #1.5H glass coverslip) for high-throughput imaging
Ideal for cell microscopy due to black walls and optically clear flat bottom
Excellent inner well flatness and whole plate flatness
Low well-to-well crosstalk in fluorescence microscopy
Fluorescence-based imaging of living or fixed cells
High throughput screening (HTS) in cell culture
Compound screenings (toxicology)
Large-scale transfection experiments
Technical Features:
Compatible with automation equipment
Excellent inner well flatness and whole plate flatness
Suitable for fluorescence scanners
High-quality plastic bottom, which is compatible with solvents for staining and fixation, and also with immersion oil
Sterile, single packaging
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to explore ibidi’s product range,
including black 96 well microplate, tailored for diverse applications in cell-based