Join us for an exciting Seminar on “cdPCR in Real-Time Oncology“, brought to you by Sciencewerke and Stilla Technologies.
Bite into hands-free, on-the-money buffer exchange with Unagi and Big Tuna Webinar.
Do you have a stunning microscopy image that you would like to showcase in the next ibidi calendar?
Liquid Biopsies: Paving the Path for NGS-Based Biomarker Discovery A MasterClass Webinar by Norgen Biotek
We have just wrapped up another exciting in-store roadshow @ the NUS NUMI Store last Friday (27 May 2022)!
As new technologies increase the accuracy and clinical relevance of our delivery of radiotherapy to preclinical models of cancer
Hop on Zoom for a live instrument demo! Have a look-see into Stunner’s rapid, low volume AAV titer & empty/full analysis.
Get To The Bottom of Your Gut : A Multi-Omics Look Into the Stool Microbiome Date: 18 May 2022
Want to learn everything about setting up experiments with cells under flow in 2 days?